The British Association of Teachers of Dancing

Advice Line

Members are able to contact by telephone or e-mail any of the Examiners listed for advice on syllabus work, queries, examination procedure etc.

Members should not, however, contact Examiners directly with regard to any examination arrangements which have not been previously intimated to Head Office.

It is hoped that this service will be found to be beneficial to all concerned.

Would teachers please note that the Advice Line is not a complete list of Examiners, only those who have agreed to list their name and the branches of dance they wish to advise on.

CAROL BROWN 613 921 4115

email –

Fellow: Stage, Modern Dance, Freestyle, Jazz and Tap

Member:  Ballet

Associate:  Country Western

LAURIE-ANN MATTHEWS email – Fellow:  Stage & Ballet

Member:  Jazz & Freestyle


e-mail –

 Highland & Scottish National
M. ANNE SUTHERLAND 519 933 3967 Fellow:  Highland

Member: Scottish National & Scottish Country Dancing

JOY TOLEV 416 752 9473 Fellow:  Highland and Scottish National
DIANE BARRON 01275 393 612 Fellow:  Latin American & Modern Ballroom
MARGARET ANNE BROGAN 0141 880 5288 Fellow:  Stage & Highland

Member:  Modern Dance, Majorette, Freestyle, Ballet & Cheer Pom

CHARLOTTE COMRIE 07985 952 614 Fellow:  Modern Ballroom, Latin American & Freestyle

Associate:  Country Western Line Dancing

JOHN COMRIE 07968 073 099 Fellow:  Modern Ballroom, Latin American & Freestyle

Associate:  Country Western Line Dancing

HOWARD COOKSON 0161 761 2883 Classical, Modern Ballroom, Latin American & Freestyle
LYNN DUNCAN 01698 320 964 Fellow:  Stage, Majorette, Freestyle & Rock’N’Roll

Member:  Cheer Pom and Club Latino

Master Certificate Country Western

HELEN FORD 0141 569 7897 Stage, Modern Dance, Jazz, Ballet, Highland, Scottish National, Freestyle, Rock’N’Roll & Acro/Gymnastic
SUSAN FRASER 01505 349 752 Fellow:  Stage, ballet, Modern Dance, Majorette, Highland, Jazz & Freestyle

Member:  Rock’N’Roll

DIANA FREEDMAN 01424 212 986

07889 513 537

Fellow:  Ballet & Freestyle

Member:  Stage

CATHERINE GALLAGHER 07974 879 734 Fellow:  Jazz, Ballet, Stage, Modern Dance & Freestyle
SHARON HAYDON 07721 413 092 Fellow:  Jazz, Ballet, Stage & Modern Dance

Member:  Freestyle

CHRISTINE GRACE 01302 772 273 Fellow:  Ballet, Stage, Jazz & Modern Dance
CHRISTINE HINSHELWOOD 01389 891 400 Fellow:  Stage & Majorette

Member:  Freestyle & Ballet

LINDA HOPKINS 01642 750 660 Fellow:  Stage

Member:  Acro/Gymnastic & Modern Dance

GAYLE JOHNSON 01302 781 464 Fellow:  Ballet, Modern Dance, Stage & Jazz

Member:  Acro/Gymnastic

IAN McLEOD 07917 624 848
PATRICIA MENNELL 07488 385 266 Fellow:  Modern ballroom & Latin American

Member: Freestyle

Associate:  Country Western

HAZEL MUNROE 01642 598 449 Stage, Ballet and Modern Dance
JEANETTE SHEARER 01764 654 120 Fellow:  Highland & Scottish National
MARGARET SMITH 01324 318 413
MARION SWEENEY 07766 093 110 Fellow:  Stage, Modern Dance & Majorette

Member:  Ballet, Freestyle, Rock’N’Roll & Master Certificate Country Western

JANICE-ANNE WILSON 0131 283 2912 Fellow:  Majorette, Stage & Freestyle

Member:  Majorette, Stage, Freestyle, Ballet, Modern Dance, Jazz & Rock’N’Roll

Associate:  Freestyle, Stage & Tap

Masters Certificate Country Western